
Showing posts from March, 2019

Is Indian Democracy really in danger?

I'm continuously hearing it for years that our democracy is in danger & particular Ideology & leaders are endangering the democracy. Earlier I just ignored all this bullshit because I believe in what I see directly, I didn't have any historic, philosophic or politic view of all these. Recently the  self declared famous historian Ramchandra Guha raised his concern about this. It made me to think about the situations which made them to think like that. Actually the persons who know very well about the world history & understand the western philosophy , they'll certainly worry about today's situations, because the great philosopher Plato quoted ones " Tyranny naturally arises out of Democracy".  & it became true with the rise of Hitler & Mussolini's Nazism & Fascism . The rise of these dictatorship was the outcome of the misunderstanding the philosophies of philosophers like Machiavelli ( The Prince ). ...

I deactivated my facebook till Election Result

My facebook news feeds is now full of political propaganda that's why I'm thinking about to leave fb. I was here for knowledge & current affairs related inputs. It's not mean I hate politics like some foolish people tends to say these day. I can also condemn anyone or support another May be or not some political leaders or party could get benefits when I'll share some recommending posts on social media, but what will I get from all this bullshit? It'll just debilitate our democratic system & an individual's psychological freedom. It's not a race where I'll cheer for my favorite one It's democracy where everyone has it's own opinion & if not then he should have.

The biggest hypocrisy of the world

An undemocratic Institute is working for Democracy since 1945. I declare it biggest hypocrisy in the world. United Nation a well known & worldwide accepted (193+2 members) organisation which works to sustain Democracy Internationally by negotiation & various democratic processes hasn't internal democracy.🤓 In recent years India was bidding worldwide for permanent seat in UNSC , but I don't think it's right strategy or suites us, because India had rejected permanent seat in Nehru's era & that's a matter of proud for us to be democratic at that level, without thinking about profit or loss. Actually It's time to end this undemocratic practice of having Veto Powers, and India should lead a campaign for it.

कहीं हम पाकिस्तानियों की तरह तो व्यवहार नहीं कर रहे?

करीब 3 से 4 साल पहले ये ब्लॉग लिखा था स्वतंत्रता दिवस पर। "असली देशभक्ति" (पढ़ने के लिए नीले रंग वाले भाग पर क्लिक करें) भारत और पाकिस्तान में सबसे बड़ा अंतर है कि यहां पूर्ण लोकतंत्र है और वहां लोकतंत्र जैसा कुछ–कुछ लगता है। इस लेख में लिखा भी था मैंने कि वहां के चुनावों में "भारत" एक बहुत महत्वपूर्ण या कहूं सबसे ज्यादा महत्वपूर्ण मुद्दा होता है। वहां का माहौल ही कुछ इस कदर है कि लोगों को रोटी, कपड़ा मिले ना मिले भारत का विनाश पहले चाहेंगे वो, उनकी इसी तरह की सोच ने ही आज तक उनको फिसड्डी रखा है। अब तक भारत में ऐसा कुछ नहीं रहा । महंगाई , भ्रष्टाचार, विकास, शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य, किसान, जवान, विज्ञान और साथ–साथ आतंकवाद जैसे मुद्दे पाकिस्तान जैसे तुच्छ मुद्दों पर हमेशा भारी रहे। पर आज कुछ अलग माहौल दिख रहा 😑 और चुनावों के नजदीक आते ही राजनीतिक लाभ के लिए कुछ लोग इस आग में घी डालने का काम भी करेंगे। वैसे चुनाव तो अभी कुछ दूर है, और तब तक उम्मीद है कि चुनाव पाकिस्तान के मुद्दे के साथ–साथ बाकी सब मुद्दों पर भी लड़े जाएंगे। पाकिस्तान का मुद्दा भी अहम है क्...