Is Indian Democracy really in danger?

I'm continuously hearing it for years that our democracy is in danger & particular Ideology & leaders are endangering the democracy. Earlier I just ignored all this bullshit because I believe in what I see directly, I didn't have any historic, philosophic or politic view of all these.
Recently the  self declared famous historian Ramchandra Guha raised his concern about this. It made me to think about the situations which made them to think like that.
Actually the persons who know very well about the world history & understand the western philosophy , they'll certainly worry about today's situations, because the great philosopher Plato quoted ones
"Tyranny naturally arises out of Democracy". 
& it became true with the rise of Hitler & Mussolini's Nazism & Fascism. The rise of these dictatorship was the outcome of the misunderstanding the philosophies of philosophers like Machiavelli (The Prince).

Although today's situation in India looks very similar to what  happened in the western world before World War 2 , But we should also have attention on the fact that there was no influence of Indian Philosophy which gives the message of SatyKarm, Dharm, NyayTyagDaan, Yog, etc...
Here I'm not praising just Indian Philosophy, but I'm confident about the mixture of all the philosophies of the world which came under the one umbrella called India.

I'm confident about this mix-up but I'm not one who can predict it's certainty.  Absolutely there is a possibility always that similar things may also be happen with us or maybe not, but before predicting these type of things we should also consider all the other parameters which can affect the all atmosphere which has created recently as people saying.

Other than philosophy, Germany, Italy or whole Europe's Geography, Politics, Culture, Population expansion & so more was also not similar to modern India. So it's very difficult to have a control over whole the Indian region by only few people, And the presence of much aware people like you and me makes it nearly impossible.
May be we Indians are now more influenced by a particular Ideology, but never underestimate the fact that  India's unity lies on it's Diversity & this is the main & basic speciality of India.
India is land of diversity not only in the sense of culture & people live here but in the sense of ideology too. And most important every Indian should believe in strength of our constitution it has composition of nearly all the ideologies. and as strong as to restrain with itself.


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